Friday, June 23, 2006

Rick Santorum-The Weapons of Mass Destruction Expert?

Senator Rick Santorum and Rep. Peter Hoekstra, both Republicans, now claim that Iraq did indeed have weapons of mass destruction. According to Santorum and Hoekstra Iraq had approximately 500 mustard gas and sarin nerve agent weapons. There's only one problem, Rick and Peter: intelligence officials say the weapons of mass destruction referred to by Santorum and Hoekstra were produced before the 1991 Gulf War and there is no evidence any such weapons were produced by Sadam Hussein following the Gulf War, and those produced prior to 1991 could more than likely do no damage.

I guess Rick Santorum is getting pretty worried about his upcoming November election bid. Polls show his support quickly sinking. Come on, Rick. You can't campaign on the Weapons of Mass Destruction theme forever! It may have worked at one time, but it isn't going to work again. That "fact" of Bush & Company, WMD, has been proven to be another exagerated bit of US intelligence a long time ago. While most Republicans are distancing themselves from Bush, Santorum is still trying to hang on to the Bush coattails. It ain't gonna work, Rick. You're going down. Thank God!

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