Monday, March 09, 2009

Again I ask: Is This 2009?

As reported by EQUALITY CALIFORNIA, this sign, "Dan White Hero. Killing A Queer" was sighted at the Prop 8 hearing last week as the California Supreme Court heard oral arguments against and for the Prop. For those of you that don't know, Dan White was the man who shot San Francisco Mayor George Mascone and City Supervisor Harvey Milk in 1978. Both men were killed by White's bullets.(Dan White's attorney at his trial argued what is known today as the Twinkie Defense). This poster should be one of outrage and disbelief!

Is this 2009 or is this 1809? To believe that some people still feel this way about any group is unbelievable! That anyone would feel this much hate as to call a killer a hero is beyond my imagination! But unfortunately, some things never change as sophisticated as we think we are.


Jay said...

Merci said...

It seems to me that Americans love extremism anymore. Hate a group and spout off about it with as much venom as you can muster. It can be gays, state workers, democrats, women or any other group. Blame them for everything. Look at the way the Republican party has chosen to identify itself with the shock jock Rush Limbaugh. Can't people defend variations in their viewpoints without going to extremes and denying other people their rights? I think the old timers were right - it's people who feel bad about themselves who engage in this type of thinking.