Thursday, July 08, 2010

No Support Until They Support Me

If you're like me, you get mailings from your political party all the time. Today I received a mailing again from the New Jersey Democratic Party Victory Fund. Because of my impatience with the Democratic Party recently, both on the federal and state level, instead of contributing to a party, I will decide which individuals I will support. Also, I will return the mailing with not only no contribution, but an explanation of my disgust.
The following is a letter I returned to the New Jersey Democratic Party Victory Fund:

July 8, 2010

New Jersey Democratic Party Victory Fund
PMB 1992
1977 North Olden Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08618-2193

To whom it may concern,

When the NJ Democrats get some backbone then perhaps I will contribute to a “victory party.” When the NJ Democrats stand up to the bullish Governor Christie then maybe I’ll contribute to a “victory party.” When the NJ Democrats fight for marriage equality for all NJ citizens, then, and only then will I give my hard earned dollars to support a “victory party.”

NJ Democrats had a recent opportunity to stand up to Governor Christie’s ridiculous 2.5% budget cap! Instead, they caved and gave in to the Governor’s idea. You can call it a compromise! I call it Giving In! The NJ Democrats could have held firm on the 2.9% cap by not allowing any amendment vote to go to the people as the Governor wanted. The NJ Democrats could have forced the Governor to the 2.9% or no cap of any kind. However, they gave in!

Months before the November 2009 election and the defeat of Jon Corzine, the NJ Democrats were poised to institute gay marriage in NJ. As soon as Corzine lost, the Democrats lost their backbone and gave up! Marriage Equality died in NJ because of the cowardice of the NJ Democrats!

I will only support those individuals who stand up for what Democrats believe in: equity for all, compassion for all, and justice for all!

Thank you.

If you feel the same way I do, I ask that you do something similar. I don't always type up a formal letter, but most times just jot down a few words on the return contribution form.

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