I would guess Bednarsky is about 45 years old. He joined the Klan when he was 18, so he's been a KKK member for almost 30 years. When I lived in Cumberland County years ago, Bednarsky would every now and then raise his ugly head. When I was a kid it was a guy named Ed Reynolds. I remember an incident at a Millville bar once when I was still in school in which Reynolds and a few of his assholes came in. I was with a group of friend consisting of whites and minorities. While the band played, rumors started that there would be trouble. (I remember grabbing a beer bottle to keep just in case! What the hell I was going to do with it, I had no idea). The band then began, "Black Magic Woman" and Reynolds and his gang got up and left. That is about how much trouble the KKK has given for many, many years in south Jersey.
Finally, Bednarsky and hopefully other so-called KKK members, have realized that their message falls mostly on deaf ears. I know most south Jersey towns, such as Millville and Vineland, are now made up of a good number of minorities, mixing with the majority. And this is a good thing! So Bednarsky, Reynolds, and the likes of you: It's time to give it up! If you don't like a certain group of people, just stay away!