Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You Go, Barney!

It's about time Democrats start defending their position on Healh Care Reform and tell it like it is about these opponen


mommanator said...

you know I actually though it quite arrogant , however I didnt hear what she said.
I dont see much good coming from any of the stand ups about the bill. Am I getting old? or something? I dont remember so many "Town Hall" meetings in the past. I guess this is how someone thinks democracy works now

Karl said...

The lady to whom Barney Frank was speaking, held up a photo of Barack Obama with a "Nazi" mustache and asked Barney how he could support a Socialist plan such as the President wanted. Barney also had previously dispelled many misconceptions of the Health Care Reform Plan that this lady and others continued to question.

mommanator said...

hey I tired of pondering this guy give me something el;se to ponder teehee