Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Thank You For Your Answer, Pat Robertson! It Had Nothing To Do With My Request!

A few days ago I wrote to Pat Robertson, Christian Broadcasting Network/700 Club, requesting his prayer for the people in Oklahoma and Texas as God’s purging continued there in the form of heavenly fires. I informed Mr. Robertson that I felt God was punishing these states for supporting a war monger and divisive president. I received a response from CBN, but it had nothing to do with Oklahoma and Texas. It was a general response about my asking for prayer for others. It was a generalized, probably computer-generated response. Shows how much CBN/700 Club really care. The following is their response:

Your prayers to God in behalf of others are pleasing to the Lord. The Bible tells us that the Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayers of the righteous and is pleased by them (Proverbs 15:8, 29). We encourage you to continue in prayer for those you are concerned about.James 5:13-16 presents a powerful lesson on the prayer of faith. Here we learn that if anyone is in trouble, he should pray. If anyone is happy, he should sing songs of joy. And if anyone is sick, the elders of the church should pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. Whatever the need is, general or specific, we should stand together in prayer for those needs to be met.Prayer that is offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. We are to confess our sins to each other and pray for one another. If we do these things, we can know that any concern we have for others, whether for salvation, healing, or financial need, can be brought before God in faith, and He will hear and answer that prayer.Prayer for another is an outreach of God's love through us to other people. It is something we can do for anyone, anytime, and anyplace, and it is definitely something we all need! It costs so little to give, only our time and spiritual energy, but it reaps so much good in return. If we will trust in Him, the results are priceless!CBN has a 24-hour prayer line that you can call anytime you need someone to pray with you or for you personally. Just call 1-800-759-0700. Someone is here for you!

Thanks for the help!


Anonymous said...

that is very generalized. i would say they send that to everyone who sends in a letter to them.

Merci said...

And isn't the Reverend at it again? Now Ariel Sharon's stroke is because he stepped outside of God's will by removing the settlers from Gaza. Unbelievable.

I guess Mr. Robertson will live forever, without any illness, since illness is always evidence of disobedience to God. Since he speaks for God, Mr. Robertson has no reason to worry.