Monday, September 05, 2005

John Street's Help Commendable, But....

It is very commendable that Philadelphia Mayor John Street is assisting with the housing of some 1,000 families, about 5,000 people, in 2 schools in the city. The schools have had to be refurbished, and there are cots in classrooms and cribs in the cafeteria; its two gymnasiums have been furnished with 30 computer work stations for local, state and federal agencies to process refugees. Various versions of "Welcome to Philadelphia!" are scrawled on blackboards and posters throughout the school. I just hope that when the refugees from New Orleans and Mississippi are done utilizing the schools, that perhaps the homeless of the City of Philadelphia can be housed there. Although commendable, it seems that this help for those outside the city has come pretty quickly while the citizens of Philadelphia have had to wait.

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