Sunday, July 24, 2005

Fight Terrorism at Home, But Use Caution & Good judgment

I have to admit after hearing about the man shot in London who was "directly linked" with the July 7, 2005 London subway and bus bombings, my first reaction was, "shoot 'em all!" I, like many, felt that this is what should happen to those animals that caused such devastation, as well as for those who continue to commit such crimes. But now it has been announced that the man that was shot had absolutely nothing to do with the bombings. And it has not been reported whether the man had actually done anything illegal. Was he shot simply because of his nationality or color? Was there really just cause for his death? Seems like a great overreaction by the police. (I am not judging the police in this situation. I was not there and do not know what actually transpired). Was this just vengence for the July 7 bombings?
I think we all feel that rush of anger and wish to see justice done, maybe even to the extent of revenge, when a wrong has been done. We are living in a world of fear. One never knows when such an event like 9-11 or the London bombings, or the Egyptian resort bombing will happen again. We're living on edge. We want protection, and we want everything done to make sure we are as safe as possible. But, is judging, or should I say, prejudging someone, the right thing to do? Just because someone is of a different nationality or religion, maybe even a nationality or religion in which a great majority hate America, does that give anyone the right to assume that person is a terrorist?
In our fight to stop terrorism and to protect US citizens here and around the world, one must use caution and good judgement. We cannot allow our human nature to revenge and get even to cause a deadly mistake like that in London. During the recent US debate on extending the Patriot Act such discussion ensued. We must protect the civil rights of all Americans while protecting the safety of all Americans. This is NOT an easy measure, but one that must be done with good judgement. Let us not give up our freedoms, put innocent people under suspicion, and make this country one under martial law.


Pax Romano said...

In my humble opinion, the shooting in London just proves that the Terrorists have achieved their goal...the goal is to put everyone on edge, turn neighbor against neighbor, create a sense of paranoia and what-have-you. Take a look at our own dear country. Have you seen those big road signs that say, "Report Suspicious Activity" -- I understand why this is happening, but ultimately it just proves that the goal of the Terrorists is being met.

Karl said...

I couldn't agree with you more. Osama bin Laden and the likes of him have changed the world. They have partly accomplished exactly what they wanted to do. After 9-11 look what happened to the American economy, layoffs, stock market decline, almost total economic decline everywhere. And even today, the terrorists are winning because WE have had to change our thinking, our behavior, our society.