Saturday, July 02, 2005

You Mind Your Business, And I'll Mind Mine

Don't ask me why, but sometime last week it just hit me...................I am sick and tired of the religious right thinking that it owns this country and that it has the right to tell me, or anyone else, how to live, let alone worship. I consider myself a Christian, and I have no problem whatsoever with anyone worshipping as they wish. But, for those who wish to worship differently, or not at all, it is nobody's business. Unless my type worship or non-worship injures someone else, it is none of your business, religious right! And do NOT try to run my life! On this Independence Day weekend I wish everyone, religious right, atheist, or somewhere inbetween, would remember that this country was founded on religious freedom, including the right not to worship. And if someone's lifestyle does not perhaps agree with someone's particular religion, that's ok too. Don't tell me how to live or worship, and I won't tell you how to live or worship.


Pax Romano said...

Preach it brother Karl!!!

Zelda Parker said...

No one is so perfect that they should really dare to judge others, but yet they do! Why? Go Karl. go Karl!

Mark said...

exactly what religious right person told you how to live and how to worship? I hear people say stuff like that all the time but I never hear any religious person telling anyone that.

Karl said...

When the Christian right wing says I cannot have the total freedoms this country offers, such as marrying whomever I want, that is telling me how to live!

Pax Romano said...

Surely ye jest?

The religious right in this country is attempting to dictate all kinds of moral creed. They have the ear of the Republican Party as well as that of the sitting-duck-president and anyone who does not realize this is woefully misinformed or has their head buried in the sand.