Monday, July 04, 2005

Thankful For Independence, But Not Complete!

As I watch the many Independence Day Celebrations, I cannot help but be thankful for the many freedoms I know living in these United States of America. But I also cannot help but feel incompleteness, knowing that my brothers and sisters, my "family", gay men and women, are being discriminated against daily. I feel incompleteness knowing that my brothers and sisters do not know the complete freedom they deserve, and the complete freedom this country so proudly boasts. From our freedom- proclaiming and fighting President to States in this U.S.A, to individual behavior in our communities, gays and lesbians are still considered second class citizens. Gays cannot marry. Gays cannot adopt. Gays cannot know the rights of other committed partners. Not in every place in the U.S. And slowly, the rights we have gained are being taken away. But, as with other minorities, our fight will continue. And we will win full rights in due time. So let us continue to fight the fight that was begun on July 4, 1776, 229 years ago. Let's win our freedom completely!

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