Saturday, July 16, 2005

Two Simple Solutions To The World's Problems

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I am a country music fan. (Well, today's country, not necessarily the "twangy" stuff my dad listened to). The lyrics of the songs are pretty simplistic, not alot to think about. The songs don't have any hidden, indepth meaning to them. They say what they mean. As for the problems of the world, 2 country songs give a very simple solution.
Terry Clarks says, "I Think The World Needs A Drink.": "Turn on the TV; more crime on the streets; More trouble in the Middle East an'fires out west, Politicians flingin dirt; got dissension in the church....I think the world needs a drink; I think enough's enough. She's been spinnin around so long, I'd say she's pretty wound up. Calm down, sit back, relax, Tear up the contracts an' save the ink: Yeah, I think the world needs a drink."
And Hank Williams, Jr. (That's him, the "Are You Ready For Some Football?"), sings, "Why Can't We All Just Get A Long(neck)?". "This crime in the city streets. Always trouble in the Middle East. How'd they let things get so outta hand? Just watchin the tv news that would give anyone the blues. The more I know, I think the less I understand. Oh why can't we all just get a long...(neck)? And make a toast to peace and harmony? Why, why can't we all just get a long....(neck)? And see how good gettin along might be?"
Oh, if it could be that simple. George Bush, Tony Blair, and President Hussein (in times previous), sitting in a London pub having a Guiness and discussing the WMD. But, they'd probably fight over what to drink. Then there'd be a barroom brawl. But then, maybe that's how things out to be solved!

1 comment:

Pax Romano said...


Now you know that George and Pickles don't drink (or do drugs) anymore since they found "The Lord".

Frankly, I think the world could use a Quaalude!