Sunday, August 14, 2005

When Will Parents Learn?

A 2 year old girl was killed Saturday on the Atlantic City Expressway after she was ejected from her parents SUV. (Reported in THE PRESS OF ATLANTIC CITY, Sunday 8/14/05). The accident resulted in only minor injuries to the others involved. The girl was sitting was sitting in the back seat between 2 adults, but was not in a child safety seat or even seatbelted. The accident started when one Ford Expedition heading west on the expressway drove up too fast behind another SUV. The first driver, the victim's father, hit his brakes and lost control, glanced off the side of the other SUV and then ran off the right lane and slammed into the guardrail, throwing the girl out the window, police said. When are parents going to learn? I can't tell you how many times I have seen children standing up in cars or not in restraints. Thank goodness it is not as prevelant as years ago, but it still happens all too often. Please, parents, buckle you children up properly!

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